Whether it amounts to being a lawyer, architect or an economist, contemporary women are climbing the ladder to head jobs where once men have traditionally been perennially perched in prominence.

Moreover, according to calculations from the nation's official facts gathering agency, Statistics Sweden (SCB, Statistiska Central Bureau), by 2030, females will finally slide above their masculine white collar workers in professions ranging from priests to proctologists.


Reported in the giveaway newspaper, Metro, the incursion of women into time honored male dominated lines of endeavor will be a slow moving feat that requires long years of academic education. Nonetheless, facts lean favorably toward the gambit that tomorrow's reins of leadership will be grasped by the hands of the gentler gender.

After decades of teaching ladies to lift themselves up from their knees in an educational sense, statistics presently reveal that 39% of today's women between 20-64 years of age have obtained a postgraduate education. By about the time that girls being born today become old enough to enter the doors to the halls of ivy, the proportion is expected to increase to over 50%.

At the same time as women spread their conquests throughout the professions, the percentage of men holding postgraduate degrees will only modestly swell from the present 31% figure to merely some 36% by the end of the forthcoming two decades. Therefore, Statistics Sweden experts predict that 2030 will be the tipping point when women prevail by reason of sheer numbers of their kind and sit on leadership posts in a majority of the nation's major professions.

Interesting data considering Feminist Initiative party leader Gudrun Schyman's recent money burning on the island of Gotland - http://www.nordstjernan.com/news/sweden/2456/